Saturday, June 22, 2013

Newspaper Crafts

Hello Again:

I have been busy these days making some cards for a swap on msr. I can't share them until my partner gets them. but I will share another project that I worked on. It takes some time to roll newspaper and create but it is worth it!
I used a tutorial on youtube by the user Gustamonton
The first one is a cupcake, all made with paper strips and the sprinkles and cherry are plastic beads
 The second one is a turtle box,. It is more complicated to create but the results are great! I use mine to store  a small bottle of aromatic oil and a small candle for my oil burner.
 This video is for the simple box.

I hope you like it and try one for yourself! See you later =)


  1. This looks really nice! Actually, when I saw the cake I thought it was real...dang it, XD

